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By now most people have heard of Ted Talks. If you haven’t, Ted Talks are some of the best sources of information out there. The organizers find people who have new perspectives and inspirational stories. These are 10 Ted Talks on
1 How He learned to read and trade stocks in prison
Curtis “Wall Street” Carrol – How an illiterate criminal learned to not only read in
2 Financial independence and mini-retirements
Lacey Filipich has a novel idea of mini-retirements. This turns the idea of the F.I.R.E movement upside down. The idea is to still get your finances in order, but not to be permanently retired early.
3 Become a millionaire in 3 years
Daniel Ally not only explains what helped him become a
4 Get honest about money problems
Are you struggling with your finances? Most people are. Tammy Lally goes over how to stop the “money shame” and why we shouldn’t think of what we are worth as a person to how much money is in our bank account balance.
5 You’re spending too much!
Jordon Cox has learned how to better use his money. He goes over how you need to be putting your money to better use. He now writes for This is something everyone can take advantage of.

6 Why most people fail at financial planning
Mo Hassan tackles the things that are causing you to fail at financial planning. He has learned the secrets that enable
7 Psychological tricks to help you save money
Wendy De La Rose is a behavioral scientist that studies people make decisions to improve their finances. She has figured out tricks that can help you.
8 A “No Spend Year”
Michelle McGagh has done the ultimate “no spend” challenge. What she learned about her own spending is interesting.
9 Design Your Dream Life Through Passive Income
If you have wanted to be your own boss you need to listen to Alex Szepietowski. He explains the steps that others can use to follow what he did.
10 Why the Rich are Getting Richer
Robert Kiyosaki is best known for his book Rich Dad Poor Dad. He explains how financial education or lack there of is a leading cause of income inequality. This will change what you think about money.
This is in no way all of the Ted talks about money. There are a ton, but these are the ones that have made the most impact on me and I believe that you will benefit from them too.
They are all under 20 minutes and most are closer to 10 minutes. Just listen to one or two when you get a chance. Take the time to invest in yourself. You will never regret it.