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There is a peace that comes when you organize your kitchen. Funny as it may seem organization does bring a sense of peace.
First step to organize your kitchen is to clear off your counters. This is where we keep most things that we use daily. This is what makes also what makes our kitchens look cluttered. Once you have everything off your counter, you will need to decide on 1 or 2 things that you will put back on the counter. For example this could be a bowl for fruit, the toaster or a rack to hold bananas.
Now everything else will need a place to go. Throw out anything that is left that you don’t want or need. This cuts down on what you need to find a place for.
From here you will need to start on the cupboards. How full are they Likely they are full of more things that you don’t need or don’t use on a daily basis. Let’s look at what is in your cupboards and pick what you want to keep handy for semi regular use. This will be things like plates and glasses and things like mixing bowls. Decide which ones and how many them that you want to keep accessible. Think about it, do you really need to have 20 plates and 50 glasses in the cupboard for only 3 people? Not likely. A general rule is to keep 3 days’ worth of dishes for daily use. Store the rest away. This is also a great way to keep the additional items safe from breakage.
Now that we have that part out of the way we will get onto the remainder of items. Looking at everything you will want to break the rest into 3 different piles. Pile one are things that you use at least 2-3 times a year. Once a year items are pile two. The third pile is for things that you can’t remember the last time you used it. Pile one will be the things that we will put back into the cupboards first. How much you keep in the kitchen will depend on the size of your kitchen and the amount of cupboard space you have.
Remember that the whole point of this is to organize your kitchen. The top shelf is for pile one. The bottom shelves are for items used regularly. If you have space left you can put the annual use items back into the cupboard, but likely you won’t and these things should be boxed.
Label the box kitchen. Also inside each box you should make a list of what is in it. This way if you have multiple boxes you can open the top and quickly see if what you need is in it.
The items that are left are the things that you can’t remember the last time you used them. With these things you need to consider if you really need them at all. If you think you want to keep them, put them into a box and label it like before, but this time date it. Anything after year that you don’t use rid of. If you decide that you can get rid of them no just do it. EBay, craigslist or a good old fashioned yard sale would be perfect.
Organizing your kitchen wouldn’t be complete without talking about the drawers. You will want to clear them in the same way you did with the cupboards. Decide what is used most often, least often and then only occasionally. Keep the most often used items. If you have any room left without making them crammed with stuff you will keep some or all of the occasionally used items. Box up rarely used items. Throw out or sell items that you don’t need. Do it now.
The last thing is the junk drawers. They are a catch all for the things that don’t really have a place. Your job is to find a proper place for these things. For example, if you are throwing rubber bands in there, a better place may be with your other office type items. If you can’t find a better place consider using drawer dividers.
An hour or two is all you need to organize your kitchen. You will be happy you did it.