What does it mean to be a Money Renegade?
Well there is no exact definition of what a Money Renegade is. To me it means a person who takes charge of their money, is always looking for the best ways to use and to spend it wisely. They understand that money affects every part of their lives. They pay attention to the little things that may not seem like much but add up for the future.
Should you be here?
It may seem like a strange question, but should you? You need to know that the language will sometimes be “R” rated. If you don’t like that you might not want to stay.
Also, I can be blunt. Let’s face it you aren’t going to get anywhere if you are always told you’re doing great even if you’re not. Just hearing what you already agree with is a surefire way to not get ahead.
I suspect that is part of the reason you got where you are.
Everyone is always nice and polite. They don’t want to hurt your feeling or make you feel bad. Don’t get me wrong my intention isn’t to be mean or make you feel bad, but I won’t go out of my to avoid those things either. I personally have only been able to make hard changes when I faced cold hard truths. This is how we grow and change.
If you want to change to get the life you want this is the way and I am more than happy to help you get there. Just remember that it isn’t easy.
What can you expect to learn here?
You can expect to learn how to save money. This is the easy part. But you can only save so much and then you need to make money and more of it. Now it gets hard.
Making more money will involve long hours and sacrifice in order to get where you want to be. It won’t be forever. It could be as short as a year or as long as 6-10 years. Everybody has a different situation and how long it takes will depend on you situation and ambition.
We will also work on improving our health. What’s the point of having money if your health is total shit? There is no point. Let’s get healthy so we can actually enjoy our lives.