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These are fairly simple times savers that anyone can do now. I am sure that there are more than a few of these that you can put into use and turn into a regular routine in your life.
1 Timestamp
If your camera or phone has a time stamp feature you should turn it on. If not on your phone there are apps that you can get that will put it on, like Auto Stamper. This will save you time when looking for a particular photo. It will also make it easy to recall the details of the event when you know the date.
2 Become a minimalist
Cutting down on the number of items that you own and need to care for is a sure fire way to save time. It just takes more hours to care for everything. Plus it results in less clutter which is a stress reducer. Win-Win!
3 Clean your shower quicker
Try this if you get soap scum build up and hard water in your shower. You can avoid build up by rubbing the walls with either baby oil or car wax. You can also spray the walls with white vinegar to break up the soap scum. Nothing beats quick cleaning.
4 Raise the temp
If you use warm water to clean it will loosen the dirt and make it easier and quicker to clean. You can also warm the water in the microwave instead of letting the water run until it is warm.
5 Stop the mowing
If you feel like you are cutting the grass too often you should consider planting slow growing grass seed. It will save you time cutting and is good for the environment. You can also achieve this by planting a lawn garden that reduces or eliminates the grass to be cut. Having a yard full of flowers or bushes means no cutting. Adding paver stones or other stones will also help too.
6 Don’t DIY
When you are not a pro at certain repairs it makes sense to hire someone. It will take you much longer for you to complete than to get someone else to do. Plus if you don’t do it right you might have to have a professional come and fix your mess. Unless this is something that you are trying to learn as a new hobby you shouldn’t waste your time.
7 Say NO!
Sometimes you just need to say no to people. You can’t do everything and really you shouldn’t. Not only does this save you time, but you will have less stress. If it is hard for you to say no to someone here is a great way.
Tell them, “I really wish I could, but I have a full schedule and if I did (fill in the blank) I don’t think I would do it good enough and that wouldn’t be good for you.”
8 Always time to learn
When you are in the car or on the treadmill, even washing the dishes you can learn. You can learn using an audiobook. You can try Audible or Scribd for free for the first 30 days.
9 Take a break
It may seem counterproductive, but when you take a break you refresh your brain and that makes everything else you do easier. That in turn will save time. You can maximize the benefit by doing some relaxing yoga or breathing exercises during your break.
10 Run the dog
For those who have a dog, you can do double duty by running with the dog. Most dogs really want to run. If you run with them you can get your exercise in at the same time. If you do 20 minutes twice a day you are keeping you and your dog healthy in less time.
11 Stop the games
The games on our phones can be so much fun, but they are costing more time that you can imagine. Try to keep their use to when you’re waiting in the doctor’s office or in line somewhere.
12 TV
Need I say more? We know that it can suck so much time. In the long run, it doesn’t really do us any good. Make a list of the shows you really like the most and only watch those. Also using a DVR means that when you watch them you can skip through the commercials and that saves times when you do watch. It pays to wait.
13 Can’t someone else do it?
In many cases, someone else can. This is great for times when someone else in the family can do it for you. I don’t mean hiring someone. This is free labor. Remember that you don’t need to do everything.
14 Combine trips
Plan your errands to do them at the same time. Keep in mind when you go to grocery stores if you are going to have any temperature sensitive items. You don’t want to stop at five stores and have the grocery store first if you have ice cream in the car and its summer. When I am doing multiple grocery store trips I always keep ice packs in insulated bags. This hasn’t failed me yet. Combining trips will save time and gas money.
15 There’s an app for that
If all else fails you can find an app to help organize your life. Here are a few to consider. Evernote, Todoist, and 30-30. Check them out and see which one you like best. These are only some of what is available out there.
There are literally hundreds of ways to save time. The best way to start with a new time saver is to figure out where in your life you have the most trouble with time. Then pick a solution that is stupid simple to start doing. If it is simple enough you will be able to stick with it. Once it’s a new habit try adding another time saver. Keep at it until you have mastered your time.